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Emilia Castonguay, VA
“It has been a joy to be a part of Southern Appalachian Dance Collective. After graduating high school, I thought I would have to move to perform with a group of professional artists. It has been amazing getting to stay in SWVA and continue dancing with a group of amazing artists!"
Charlie Barnette, TN
"I attended 'Movement Explored' and all I have to say is 'Amazing performance by one and all!'"
Samantha Gray, TN
"So important for our area to have this! The detail in every piece, the talented dancers, the variety of styles."
Lola York, VA
"It is truly thrilling to have such a rich performing and training opportunity for seasoned dancers in our area. After stepping away from my professional performing career to have my sons and move home, I never dreamt I'd have the chance to work at this capacity again."

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